Screening and Testing (Chair: Kostas Bekris, CS):
Testing protocols at airports, entrances to hospitals, dorms and classrooms, sports stadiums; robots/virtual reality to test at borders and use of AI to identify truthfulness in responses; robots doing COVID-19 testing (e.g., AI to identify head position to insert swab); drones to identify infected individuals; tools to choose from among many possible tests or to do tests sequentially; methods of syndromic surveillance using data from web searches of all kinds to detect early signals of emerging disease; ethical uses of robots, computer vision, data sources.

Contact Tracing (Chair: Amelie Marian, CS):
Smartphone, Bluetooth, and other tools to identify people you were near who are diagnosed with COVID-19; data sources such as credit card data that might help contact tracers; verifiable digital certificates of non-infectiousness; anonymity and privacy; ways to ensure that data gathered during an emergency are used only for that purpose.

Social Distancing and Reopening the Economy (Chair: Mubbasir Kapadia, CS):
Smartphone tools that can be monitored, describing where a person may go (supermarket only, work, etc.), and related privacy concerns; drones to enforce social distancing; smartphone, wearable sensors, smart-home devices to monitor mental health of people forced to stay home; optimization models for reopening massively interdependent infrastructure with precedence requirements and related AI tools to identify interdependencies; drones to identify people not wearing masks with face-recognition issues and privacy issues.

Supply Chains (Chair: Fred Roberts, DIMACS):
Vulnerability of supply chains under AI-enabled just-in-time inventory rebuilding (Lysol, Clorox); improving supply chain visibility by using digital supply networks that enable end-to-end visibility, agility, and substitutability; using blockchain technology for increased data confidence and data availability and to help shape future logistics and planning; prepositioning medicines, PPEs, test kits, other equipment (stockpiling) including models of size and location of stockpiles, storage costs, replacement of expired goods as well as allocation models; cyber security; applications to specific supply chains for medicine, test kits, vaccines, food, transportation.

Mental Health (Chair: Vivek Singh, SCI):
AI applications using phones, wearable sensors, and smart-home devices to automatically and remotely collect indicators of an individual’s happiness, mental health, and social support; digital behavior traces (e.g., number of phone calls, number of steps walked, number of search queries) to predict sudden changes in mental health scores; use of digital traces and AI tools to design personalized interventions; privacy and social equity questions.

Mental Health of First Responders (Chair: Roseanne Dobkin, RWJMS):
Detecting increasing stress in law enforcement officers, health care workers, and others. Body cameras, “wearables,” and sensors to monitor physiological indicators of stress. AI and digital tracing to get early warning of mental health issues. Possibility of designing interventions from a distance.

Ethics (Chair: Sara Pixley, RuCCS):
Ethical uses of robots, computer vision, data sources in screening and testing; anonymity and privacy in contact tracing and enforcing social distancing; privacy and social equity in remote monitoring of health; fairness in algorithms mediating health outcomes; ways to ensure that data gathered during an emergency are used only for that purpose.

Trust/Misleading Information (Chair: David Pennock, DIMACS):
Models and tools for developing trust in AI tools to enhance their use in pandemics; surveys of private sector, government, and the public about trust in tools; methods to quantify and communicate uncertainty and counter false information; effect of human factors/risk communication leading to hoarding behavior (toilet paper) and to counter fear/confidence about returning to a workplace; countering pandemic-related criminal behavior such as cyber attacks, offers of sham treatments and vaccines, bogus investment opportunities, and ransomware.